Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"Invalid Value" on a PeopleSoft Page? Check the Case of the Corresponding Field Object

Have you ever had the situation where you know that the data in your lookup table is accurate, yet any time you try to select a value from that table via a drop-down list, you get the "Invalid value" error when you try to save the data?  It's most likely because your database column contains mixed-case data, but the field object that you defined in PeopleSoft App Designer to represent that data requires uppercase data. Here's how I discovered and fixed the problem.
Below is a screen shot of an example of the problem.

The value that I had selected in the drop-down was "Something".  You'll notice that other rows in the grid contain valid values.  They display okay, because I had added them using an App Engine program that I wrote to convert the data into PeopleSoft from another system. But as soon as I tried to change one of them, I encounter the "Invalid value" problem.

To figure out why my selection of "Something" was invalid, in my Chrome browser, I right-clicked on the red-highlighted field and selected "Inspect Element" from the pop-up menu, and here is what I saw:

Notice that the browser thinks that the value is "SOMETHING" (in uppercase), which is different than what I selected ("Something" in mixed-case).

To fix it, I went in App Designer to the field object that represents that data and changed it to allow "Mixedcase".

I reloaded my page in the PIA, and then I was able to select and save different values in the drop-down without getting the "Invalid value" error.


21st Century Software Solutions said...
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