Have you ever had the situation where you know that the data in your lookup table is accurate, yet any time you try to select a value from that table via a drop-down list, you get the "Invalid value" error when you try to save the data? It's most likely because your database column contains mixed-case data, but the field object that you defined in PeopleSoft App Designer to represent that data requires uppercase data. Here's how I discovered and fixed the problem.
The value that I had selected in the drop-down was "Something". You'll notice that other rows in the grid contain valid values. They display okay, because I had added them using an App Engine program that I wrote to convert the data into PeopleSoft from another system. But as soon as I tried to change one of them, I encounter the "Invalid value" problem.
To figure out why my selection of "Something" was invalid, in my Chrome browser, I right-clicked on the red-highlighted field and selected "Inspect Element" from the pop-up menu, and here is what I saw:
Notice that the browser thinks that the value is "SOMETHING" (in uppercase), which is different than what I selected ("Something" in mixed-case).
To fix it, I went in App Designer to the field object that represents that data and changed it to allow "Mixedcase".
I reloaded my page in the PIA, and then I was able to select and save different values in the drop-down without getting the "Invalid value" error.
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