1. Add a Pushbutton/Hyperlink field to the grid. Associate it with the database record and field from which the data will be selected.
2. On the Label tab, ensure that the Label Type is set to Text and Label Size is set to Standard text (otherwise your hyperlink will not display at runtime).
3. Provide a Page Field Name for the hyperlink field.
4. Provide a Page Field Name for your grid.
5. In the Page PeopleCode, add the code to label your hyperlink column.
6. In the Component Record Rowinit PeopleCode, set the label of the hyperlink to the value of the database record field.
7. In the Component Record FieldChange for the appropriate field, create a key record, set the record field values, and Transfer to the appropriate page.
It was fun to come back to something I'd written 5 years ago in order to solve the problem much more quickly for something that I'm working on now.
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