Friday, April 25, 2008

PeopleSoft: Which Project is My App Engine In?

One of my favorite "tools" in PeopleSoft App Designer is Edit -> Find Definition References. If I'm not sure, for example, whether a page I'm working on has been included in the appropriate project, Find Definition References will help me quickly find out whether it is or not.

That doesn't work so well when I want to find which project an Application Engine program is in.

When I select Edit -> Find Definition References for an App Engine, I see something like the following.

Well, I pretty much already knew that!

There is a way that I can find which project an App Engine is included in, but it requires a database query. I can use a query similar to the following:
select * from sysadm.psprojectitem
where objectvalue1 = 'MY_APP_ENGINE';
Using the above query, if your App Engine is included in any projects, the value in the OBJECTVALUE1 column will be your App Engine name. App Engine objects have the following object types:
  • 33 - App Engine Program
  • 34 - App Engine Section
  • 43 - App Engine Step
Occasionally, references to App Engines are stored differently in PSPROJECTITEM (if anyone knows why, please clue me in!). If the above query doesn't work, use a query similar to the following:
select * from sysadm.psprojectitem
where objectvalue1 = 'Application Engine'
Using this query, if your App Engine is included in any projects, the value in the OBJECTVALUE2 column will be your App Engine name.

With one of those two queries, you should be able to find whether your App Engine is included in the appropriate project.


Daniel Raja Singh said...

can tel me by which logic application designer find definition reference is getting work. if you know please let me pa......

Unknown said...

mypeoplesoft is PeopleSoft ERP applicant is a technical and business support leading in the IT world through management, strategies, consulting and latest trends.

Appsian said...

Thank you for sharing your blog, seems to be useful information can’t wait to dig deep!